Have fun & get creative making your own Strawberry Themed Craft. Items used must be hand made or decorated. All ages are welcome to participate.
Fairy Garden
Decorated T-Shirt
Knick knacks
Yard Items
Home Decor
Best of Show Awards
Gardens will be displayed in local businesses.*
Check in
Thursday, June 22
11AM-noon & 4-9PM
Information Booth
Be sure Contestant's 1st & last name, email and phone number is on the back or bottom of the entry. Please indicate if this is an adult or youth entry.
Winners will receive beautiful ribbons.
Winners will be announced Saturday after the parade.
Pick Up
Saturday, June 22
Information Booth
Items left will be discarded.
*The London Strawberry Festival, its volunteers, and local businesses are not responsible for any loss or damage. Every precaution will be taken to ensure the protection of all gardens, however, you will display at your own risk. Participation in any contest or events, grants the festival permission to use photos or photo copies of entries in festival publicity.
Fairy Garden
Decorated T-Shirt
Knick knacks
Yard Items
Home Decor
Best of Show Awards
Gardens will be displayed in local businesses.*
Check in
Thursday, June 22
11AM-noon & 4-9PM
Information Booth
Be sure Contestant's 1st & last name, email and phone number is on the back or bottom of the entry. Please indicate if this is an adult or youth entry.
Winners will receive beautiful ribbons.
Winners will be announced Saturday after the parade.
Pick Up
Saturday, June 22
Information Booth
Items left will be discarded.
*The London Strawberry Festival, its volunteers, and local businesses are not responsible for any loss or damage. Every precaution will be taken to ensure the protection of all gardens, however, you will display at your own risk. Participation in any contest or events, grants the festival permission to use photos or photo copies of entries in festival publicity.